Well. Today I had dinner at the American Club with a few of my NS friends, invited by Kerwin, who's back from the states for a holiday. I think the spread the other time was better, but nevertheless, it's still food, glorious food. It wasn't a particularly eventful evening, but it was still time well spent with the company of friends.
I just ransacked my cabinet in search of my O and A level certs, and I came across other stuff like all the warm fuzzies that I got thru all those church camps I participated in or facilitated, and my primary school class photos! A wide smile plastered itself onto my face as I browsed through the photos, 'cos it was funny looking at miniature-sized versions of people I know. Boy, how some people had changed, too.
No, I'm not gonna post up those photos here,
for fear of paedophiles 'cos how cute everyone in the photos look would induce diabetes in anyone. Well, maybe not that much, but anyway, I might let you see it if you ask. Nicely.