Wonderfully Simple

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Psychotic split personalities from the grave of cyberspace

Is this thing on?

After reading the title, i guess the casual reader would be be somewhat suprised at such a bizzare title coming from "The Andrew We All Know (or shall i omniously add, knew)". Where is the tone of innocent enquiry, of harmless musing? Well, Anrew himself can answer this rather quickly, for i'm sure Bear, that you are still as smart as your slaps to my sore back are painful. But please, i'm sure the mystery is being enjoyed by a curious few, so lets not spoil their fun. Not to mention that several may already be calling their lawyers with regard to a new defamation suit.

To all the friends of Ching that i happen to be adressing, i could tell you an endless list of the silly things that Ching has managed to pull of. Like how he nearly electrified himself with some batteries. But ofcourse, i am not that mean and so i'll only mention about how he makes all sorts of funny noises while running. Having said all that, i used to think that in our rather bizzare friendship, I was the Upper, the empowered. And yet, in a lonely night in service of our country, i find myself thinking of Ching, and all his friends. In a totally non homo-erotic manner ofcourse. In fact as i write this, another friend of ching watches me with a bemused smile. He likes to talk about sex, alot of it. When he gets bored, he tells stories about aliens. And usually, its a bizzare mixture of the two with theories of the apocolyspe thrown in for good measure. But i digress.

Ching, as i was saying, is one of those few Great Guys out there. If you blur your eyes a little. And no matter how romatic the lonely cloud may be, having friends around makes for a smashing storm on some unfortunates in sounthern tip of India. And with all this said, i wander further into the blue skies - rather lonely i might add, but with the giant, corpulent image of Ching always near by.

Sons of a nation,
Scions of servitude.

p.s. Buggery hell, i can't figure out to turn off the signature. Talk about a short lived secret. If YOU, reader, still can't figure out who is this, you seriously need to consider some medical help.