Wonderfully Simple

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Friday night was all a blur... Haha not quite, was still sober (enough) to remember it all... To kick it all off I had to wait almost an hour for Tham and Seah to actually appear, then we went to go get some drinks before finally heading to Seah's sister's house to chill out and get WASTED!. We took a cab there, which came up to about 4 bucks. Cab #1.
Joshua and Zhenyan joined us at the house.

I brought along a bottle of Bailey's, and Tham brought Henessy. Seems like Bailey's is a favourite of everyone's =/ My bottle was almost emptied by the end of the night. Anyway, we ordered KFC and pizza to go along with the drinks, and basically all night we just drank and ate and sang Jay Chou songs and took pictures of ourselves just having a good time (pictures which I'll post later when I get home).

By 11.20 I was starting to feel a little light-headed... Yeah I know I can't hold my liquor. So anyway we headed home shortly thereafter... Cab #2, $4 'cos I shared it with my friend.

Saturday morning was my unit's family day, which was held at Escape Theme Park. Dreading having to take a lonely and buttache-inducing train or bus ride, I decided to take a cab with 2 of my friends... Cab #3, $4 each. Upon reaching there, I realised that I forgot to bring the bloody receipt to claim $150! SO. I left my bag with my friend, and - Cab #4, $12.50. THEN, after reaching the doorstep to my home, I FORGOT TO BRING ALONG MY KEYS, WHICH WERE IN MY BAG. In the end I had to go down to town to find my mum for her keys... No cab here, I took the MRT. Taking a taxi to town on a Saturday is suicidal for your pocket anyway. In the end I managed to retrieve the keys and - Cab #5, $12.50.

By the time the dust settled it was around 11.20 and the event was well underway... It was pretty relaxing and fun to see the guys playing all the goofy telematches. There were stage performances which were more family oriented (Read: for kids) and all in all the event was successful.

At the end of the event I was already pretty tired from all the drama that played out in the morning, and as you can already guess - Cab #6, $6.

Money WASTED! on cab fare - $40

Ouch. What a weekend.