Wonderfully Simple

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
A night to remember

And so it was, that i took my nights off to spend doing something special. An old aquaitence and i finally sat down for dinner, and after a hectiv day in the army it was nostalgive enought to make your heart ache. Or perhaps it was just mine? My lovely dining partner my beg to differ. And yet - what company! Such a breath of fresh air from the crude moronity one gets in camp. After the meal a quiet stroll down an all too familiar road rounded up the perfect evening. Ah my love, my coy mistress, my valkyrie... too soon that the night had to end.

$4 pasta, you rock my world. Now if only that crazy australian woman wasn't there.

p.s. Honestly i could have rattled for a good page or two, but some of us need to defend the country.