Wonderfully Simple

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

So the dream ends before it began. Regret is not on the lengthy list of emotions I am experiencing now, because life is about choices and consequences. This girl has touched my heart and left it gold, and yet, maybe so much more could have flourished if that our paths were more closely intertwined.

Trust, as a commodity, is hard to earn. But there are people who give it out quite freely, and without fear. It's refreshing to have met someone else who's like that, and subsequently shared many experiences and memories with. I do feel like I've shortchanged her somewhat, 'cos she does quite a bit of the talking, and even though I put in the effort to think of things to say that might help... The words just don't flow. I guess, this is my biggest flaw, and one that I hope I can improve on.

Thanks for the lessons =)

Too soon? Perhaps.

暖暖 - 梁静茹
都可以随便的 你说的 我都愿意去
小火车 摆动的旋律
都可以是真的 你说的 我都会相信
因为我 完全信任你
细腻的喜欢 毛毯般的厚重感
晒过太阳 熟悉的安全感
分享热汤 我们两支汤匙一个碗
左心房 暖暖的好饱满

我想说 其实你很好 你自己却不知道
真心的对我好 不要求回报
爱一个人 希望他过更好
打从心里暖暖的 你比自己更重要

都可以随便的 你说的 我都愿意去
回忆里 满足的旋律
都可以是真的 你说的 我都会相信
因为我 完全信任你
细腻的喜欢 你手掌的厚实感
什么困难 都觉得有希望
我哼着歌 你自然的就接下一段
我知道 暖暖就在胸膛

我想说其实你很好 你自己却不知道
真心的对我好 不要求回报
爱一个人 希望他过更好
打从心里暖暖的 你比自己更重要

我想说其实你很好 你自己却不知道
从来都很低调 自信心不高
打从心里暖暖的 你比自己更重要
你不知道 真心的对我好 不要求回报
爱一个人 希望他过更好
打从心里暖暖的 你比自己更重要