Wonderfully Simple

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just now, I went for a concert by Bevlyn Khoo, an independent local artiste (check her out here). I always like live music performances. You get to experience firsthand the raw emotions put forth by the performers, and get to hear the little inspirations behind their songs, which gives the performance more meaning. I'll just share about one of these stories.

Bevlyn gave a short introduction for her last song of the night, 当我八十岁的时候. She lamented that, in the current world, where divorces and singlehood are increasingly common, it's difficult to find a couple still loving each other and every moment they're together, when they're well in their elder years.

I see some people that might have even given up hope of such a fairytale ending already, since happily ever after can be such a distant ideal. Distant, and unrealistic perhaps, but one that we should still work towards, no? Some lose sight of themselves and of these little dreams in life sometimes, and it is very much a pity, to me.

Her friend from Taiwan happened to send her a postcard, with the front depicting an elderly couple with their arms over each other's shoulders, sitting in a garden, back facing the camera, and watching a sunrise. A beautiful, serene picture. Her first reaction was that it was a stock photo (reflecting her apprehension and her above feelings), until she came upon the realization that it was a photo taken by her friend's brother, and that the two in the photo were his grandparents. This inspired her to write the following song which evoked quite a bit of thoughts upon my first hearing of it. It's playing on repeat right now, and I'm having quite a strong surge of emotions as I write this. I'm dedicating the song to someone, and I hope this person doesn't think it's not realistic.

Please don't lose hope. And give yourself a chance.

当我八十岁 - Bevlyn Khoo

当我八十岁的时候 你还会不会这样疼我
睡前听我述说那一天 所有经过
当我轻揉你的耳朵 你还会不会这样罗嗦
你还会不会听见我说 说些什么

当我八十岁的时候 你还会不会牵我的手
带我到世界各地旅游 漫步走走
透过弄人的眼角膜 你还会不会逗我酒涡
继续写情书记载所有 爱我的感受
Wow~~ 别说什么 Wow~~ 这样就足够

我爱你的理由 混淆在习惯之中 像夏天的气候
阴晴不定 不说出口 也能懂
你爱我的理由 你说过会到永久 像倔强的执着
陪我到白头 不放手

当我八十岁的时候 随着记忆力渐渐退弱
找不找到回忆的下落 把我封锁
当我们被时间左右 还有多少争吵能挥霍
把所有年幼的小差错 都编成小说
Wow~~ 别说什么 Wow~~ 这样就足够

我爱你的理由 混淆在习惯之中 像夏天的气候
阴晴不定 不说出口 也能懂
你爱我的理由 你说过会到永久 像倔强的执着
陪我到白头 不放手

当我八十岁的时候 你还会不会这样爱我
弯着腰也要吻我额头 直到我睡后